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Nuclear Diving 101: How To Dive Safely and Limit Exposure Risks

Posted by Griffin Eckert on May 22, 2024

Nuclear diving demands unwavering safety measures. Every action, from meticulous planning to employing advanced technology, prioritizes the divers' well-being. While water offers a natural shield against radiation, divers operate in a realm where the invisible poses the greatest threat. Dive deeper with us as we answer questions about the intricacies of nuclear diving, where safety protocols are paramount both in and outside the water.

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IMX 2019: Our can’t-miss takeaways from the Inland Marine Expo

Posted by Kimberly Walters on May 28, 2019

The Inland Marine Expo (IMX) took place last week in St. Louis, MO, overlapping with National Maritime Day. Conference attendees, exhibitors, keynotes and panelists came together at the Dome at America’s Center to educate, celebrate (and sometimes commiserate), the state of the inland marine industry.

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Company Pride: Brennan Gets Re-Certified as a Great Place to Work

Posted by Angela Wierzbicki on September 18, 2018

Pride in Our Company

Pride is a common theme for us at Brennan. As an organization, we are privileged to be in a position where we can have so much of which to be proud. We’re lucky to have employees who commit to making Brennan a great place to work, and we are proud to have them. Finally, we are proud to be able to say that 96% of our employees are proud to share they work at Brennan, which we discovered from the findings of our 2018 Great Place to Work® re-certification.

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Tips For a Successful Internship at a Great Place to Work

Posted by Angela Wierzbicki on April 17, 2018

Internships are an excellent way to gain hands-on experience and learn a little more about your field of study while working in a professional environment. At Brennan, we value growth and development. Our COMPASS internship program strives to provide students with practical experience and useful knowledge to sharpen their skills in their chosen field.

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The Real ROI of In-House Safety Training

Posted by Luke Ploessl on March 06, 2018

Getting Your Money’s Worth

At Brennan, training is the backbone of our safety program, and we have come to discover a high return on investment by bringing much of our training in-house. Doing this helps us prepare our workforce for our unique work features, which in the long run, lowers our Experience Modification Rate (EMR). A company’s EMR is a number used by insurance companies to determine the past cost of injuries and any future chance of risks. The lower your EMR number, the better your standing compared to similar companies. The average industry EMR rating is 1.00, so companies that can get a lower rate than this save money when it comes to insurance premiums (not to mention savings associated with eliminating workplace injuries). When taking into account the number of manhours we work each year, our current EMR of .52 translates to a savings of up to $400,000! We believe one of the reasons we achieve such a low EMR is because we focus on quality when it comes to training.

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Become a Master of Towing Vessels - Part 3

Posted by Samantha Schmitz on June 08, 2012

Our final installment of becoming a tow boat master focuses on the demanding schedule that one will encounter if he or she chooses this path. It is not an easy schedule, but the rewards have drawn many. 

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Become a Master of Towing Vessels - Part 2

Posted by Samantha Schmitz on June 01, 2012

We continue our series on becoming a Master of Towing Vessels by next addressing the duties in which this person is responsible. Our last entry left off with some fun statistics that outlined the enormity of cargo in which an average sized tow can transport. This statistic, supplied by the National Waterways Foundation, stated that an average sized, 15 barge tow can transport as much as 216 rail cars, and 1,050 semi-tractors!  Just one barge alone can carry 58,333 bushels of wheat, enough for 2.5 million loaves of bread!

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Become a Master of Towing Vessels - Part 1

Posted by Samantha Schmitz on May 25, 2012

Have you ever wondered how you can get a job running a tow boat up and down the Mississippi River?  Did you know that there is actually a shortage of river boat pilots? 

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