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How Brennan Delivered Safe, Efficient Refinery Wastewater Cleanup on Schedule

Posted by Amber Wilson on January 30, 2025

Refinery Wastewater Pond Cleanup with Remote Dredging

We recently completed the cleanup of two wastewater ponds for a large producer of transportation fuels. Using a remotely controlled dredge, Brennan removed wastewater sludge from impoundments on the refinery site and dewatered the material with six 2-meter belt filter presses. The remotely controlled dredge added a layer of safety to the project, preventing any health risks that a Leverman might face if exposed to hydrogen sulfide gas released during the dredging process.

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5 Reasons We Customize Our Fleet: Increase ROI with Dredge Sense

Posted by Kimberly Walters on May 13, 2019

Equipment-heavy industries continually push for optimal uptimes. At J.F. Brennan Company, Inc. (Brennan), we’re committed to investing in our equipment not only during the purchasing process, but also during scheduled off-season maintenance. Internally, we coined the term “Brennanize” to refer to the custom alterations our team executes upon acquiring assets as well as our carefully regimented maintenance.

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