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New brennan blog, between the trees

Welcome (Back) to the Brennan Blog

Posted by Samantha Schmitz on September 23, 2016

Our blog "Between the Trees" is here!

You might ask, what does "Between the Trees" mean?  

Well, it is a river term, usually used in context with the operation of a boat or marine vessel on the water. The main goal while working on the river?...always keep your vessel between the trees.

We felt it was a fitting name as most of our work happens in, on and around the water.  This gives us a unique perspective on the things we do, which includes construction, environmental remediation and transportation.  

Everyday we at Brennan do some really exciting stuff.  From hanging off the side of a dam, to removing hazardous waste out of a wetland, to sending divers into a mile-long, underwater pipeline. As a contractor, those are our hands getting dirty and our lessons getting learned!  

This blog is a way for us to share some really cool information like:

  • Construction safety innovations
  • Project highlights
  • New technologies - insights from our mad scientists
  • Stories from the field (see picture below)

And more!

Nelson Helicopter

Yes, that a helicopter driving pile partnered with our amphibious equipment!

So if you are a client, industry partner, vendor, or even competitor, welcome to the Brennan Blog.

We hope that you find the information we share informative and worth reading.  Who knows, maybe you will learn something new!

For more information on Brennan or our stories, please contact news@jfbrennan.com


Topics: J.F. Brennan Company, Between the Trees